Welcome to our Website and our Troop
Troop 26 is an active Troop focused on providing a variety of opportunities and experiences to our scouts. We are fortunate to have almost 30 years of continuous, active scouting with a strong youth run organization and experienced cadre of active adults that support operations behind the scenes.
Why is Scouting important to me?
As I look across the range of youth programs scouting stands out in two important regards—Scouting is values-based and Scout-led. On the issue of values, Scouting is a program where who you are matters as much as what you do. As a troop we imbue our scouts with the fundamental values of duty to God, duty to country and duty to self. While many organizations can help your youth learn skills, teamwork, and confidence, Scouting helps mature them in the basic principles that will serve as a strong foundation for every decision they make for the rest of their lives.
Secondly, Scouting is Scout-led. Scouting is much more than camping, cooking in the outdoors, responsibly using knives and axes and starting fires. While those are important skills, the more valuable lesson is learning how to plan, prepare, and lead. To that end, the Troop is organized and run by the scouts through the “patrol method,” with trained adult supervision, of course. The scouts plan, prepare, and lead every activity. Using the “scout-led” method is not easy and requires supportive parents and adults. Although it can be difficult to watch them work through the details but this method of them doing it themselves teach enduring leadership lessons.
What is the Scoutmaster’s job?
I view my role, and that of my Assistant Scoutmasters, as coaching, leading and mentoring our Scouts. We work with the Scouts to ensure our Scout-led program focuses on the Four Aims of Scouting—character development, leadership development, citizenship training and personal fitness. Everything we do must support one, or all, of these aims. Doing so, in my opinion, is the best way to deliver the promise of Scouting to our youth, their parents as well as to the Troop Committee and the Charter Organization. Combining the Four Aims of Scouting with the Scout Law and Scout Oath should instill the Scouts with the foundation to make ethical and moral choices, lead in their communities and develop a fitness lifestyle. Simply put, our job is to guide the scouts along their Scouting journey and mentor them in their leadership positions to make sure that the Troop provides the Scouts with the best opportunities to learn scouting’s lessons.
What is the parents’ job?
While I am honored to serve the Troop, parents have a vital role as well. Providing the scouting experience is a shared task between parents and adult leaders. The adult leaders need to know what you expect--your opinions, and desires for your Scout -- in order for us to provide the best possible program. So, you need to communicate with the adult leaders and trust that we will listen. Parents are always welcome at any committee and scoutmaster meeting. We also ask for your patience. A Scout-led program is not always pretty to watch as the Scouts develop their leadership skills but as long as they are safe we give them a lot of space to make mistakes. If our events ran smoothly then I can assure there was too much adult leader involvement—we want the Scouts to learn by doing and as the Founder of Scouting, Lord Baden Powell, once said, “Don’t do anything for a Scout that he can do him(her)self.”
Finally, help out when you can. I realize we all have busy lives and it is hard to balance your time to so many activities. We are fortunate to have a large number of adults that help run the troop. If you have the time, come out and join us. If you don’t, consider becoming a Merit Badge counselor, attending a committee meeting or helping out with special events.
On behalf of Troop 26 and Mt. Ararat, I would like to thank you for taking the time to learn about us and for those of you with Scouts in our Troop, thanks for trusting us with this precious resource.
Yours in Scouting,
Troop 26 Scout Master